Transform or build your parking lot canopy
Incorporating a photovoltaic generator into your parkling lot canopy will enable you to greatly reduce its construction costs while adding value to your asset over the long term by reducing the costs of maintaining the canopy, particularly for water-tightness.
This also gives you the option to locally produce renewable power that you can directly consume thanks to our direct-sales solutions.
Finally, you’re helping reduce greenhouse gases, with a civic-minded approach that makes you a player in the energy transition.
How does it work?
Solar panels are fastened to the canopy using an integration system (custom installation), connected to one another, and hooked up to inverters and a meter in order to create a photovoltaic generator. The panels provide cover and water-tightness.
CVE’s solutions
We can rent you a parking area through a long-term construction lease (30 years on average) and build one or more photovoltaic canopies there.
Depending on the project’s features (sunlight, location, shadows, nature of the work, etc.), we can be in charge of all or some of the canopies’ construction, and in any event all of the photovoltaic generators that keep them water-tight. We remain the owner and operator of the photovoltaic plant throughout the lease, and provide you with full use of the canopies. Once the lease has ended, ownership of the canopies is transferred to you.
With respect to energy sales, the project will be submitted by CVE to the energy regulation commission’s RFPs in order to obtain a purchase obligation contract or additional compensation with “EDF”(French producer of renewable energy) for a period of 20 years.
We can also sell you all or some of the photovoltaic power produced in this way at your site through our direct sales solutions.
CVE is your sole point of contact, with a dedicated team that takes over all of the approaches and formalities related to the project:
- feasibility studies
- design engineering based on your building operating needs
- obtaining permission
- connecting the plant to the Enedis grid or ELD (Local Distribution Company),
- securing the electricity rate (RFPs from the energy regulation commission),
- legal process
- financing
- choosing suppliers and construction
- operation and maintenance
CVE’s expertise
CVE has all the skills it needs in-house to develop a solar project: CVE’s solar expertise:
- An integrated photovoltaics research office
- A procurement department that sources components and evaluates supplier quality (visiting production plants)
- A construction team with four dedicated project managers
- A fleet monitoring control room
- Dedicated tools
Steps of a canopy project
With Cap Vert Energie, you get a parking lot canopy that becomes a solar electrical production site.
- supermarket and shopping mall parking lots
- office parking lots
- airport or rail/bus station parking lots
- public parking lots, …
For a preliminary study