Are you motivated to implement positive change in your region through donation to environmental organizations?

Join our Green Initiative!

CVE has just launched its first Green Initiative. The goal: to have a positive impact in the towns and cities where our solar installations are located, by beautifying their community and preserving their environmental wealth.

CVE strives to build environmental benefits and develop awareness among the communities we work with.
For every solar panel we install we will donate towards cleaner air, more trees and better natural habitats for wildlife and communities.

Our first donation: The buzzards Bay Coalition’s Acushnet Sawmill

For the first ‘Green Initiative’ donation related to our Acushnet solar farm, CVE has decided to donate $11,500 to the Buzzards Bay Coalition.

This decision was taken thanks to the help and guidance of its advisory board composed of local stakeholders active in the environmental field and knowledgeable of local issues.

The Buzzards Bay Coalition is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the restoration, protection and sustainable use and enjoyment of the Bay.

The Coalition works to protect the land and water in Southeast Massachusetts through education, science advocacy and community engagement, which includes ongoing conservation work in the town Acushnet.

CVE has decided to donate $11,500 to complete the last fund needed for a $425,000 expansion of the park. It will provide more parking space to host local school groups looking to learn about biological diversity, preserve 1.5 acres of forested area and create a new community garden.

Find out more about our first donation here.

You want to be a part of our next project?

After the completion of our first donation in Acushnet, CVE will continue donating to local environmental organizations after the launch of our next Massachusetts projects in 2020. We will then be looking for motivated individuals to join our Advisory boards.

To be considered as a candidate for the Advisory Board, you should:

  • Live or work in Massachusetts, preferably in the same county as our solar installations
  • Demonstrate knowledge in environmental subjects such as tree planting, land conservation, water conservation, climate change or education

Responsibilities of advisory board members:

  • Get familiar with CVE Green Initiative’s guidelines regarding the type of projects and organizations that should receive funding
  • Discuss, research and select a project or organization to support
  • Join two calls or online meetings with other board members
  • Vote on the best projects
  • Participate to a follow-up / conclusion call

CVE North America will donate one dollar per solar panel installed, within one year of installation.

Donations will be directed towards one or several of the four causes below:

  • Tree planting
  • Land conservation
  • Protection of local wildlife and biodiversity
  • Education to environmental protection

The projects that CVE will support will also respond to the following criteria:

  • Local to the solar installation (preferably close to the town or in the same county)
  • Supported and implemented by nonprofit organizations with the 501(c)(3) status that has a significant expertise in the cause supported
  • Impactful: Projects must have a scalable, measurable, and long term positive impact on the issue at stake

Interested members might be contacted again to advise on further donations campaign.
Please email if you are interested and share briefly your motivation to participate to the Advisory Board.

Join our
Green Initiative

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